Sunday, April 17, 2016



Weight and size depend on the latitude . Generally it's height is about 35 cm however there are wolves that weight 77kg in Alaska and Canada.

The wildest wolf died in Alaska in 1939.

Wolves have perfect characteristics for long trips. Their chest is narrow. They are able to travel several kilometres with an average speed. Their legs are for walking with faster and with facility, especially in the snow.

Usually they are grey, brown and black and white.

They have a big snout that distinguishes shamans.

Usually one couple of pack reproduces. is between January and April. Pregnancy lasts at least about 63 days.


In most parts of the world, the wolf is respected and revered, while in other parts it is hated.

In some situations, they act as domestic animals, but not without difficulty, because of the problem of socialization that they have with the dogs and their predatory instincts.

For this they need a training and motivation, the same as dogs.

Attack to the humans

The wolves are shy and they avoid the contact with the humans, their reaction depends on experiences with the humans in the past, it isn’t a natural way of behaving.

There are some circumstances for the wolves in which they can appear aggressive, for example: the provocation, the habituation, the rage, cubs, crossing with dogs or few preys.
In simile with other carnivorous predators, wolves don’t attack so much to humans, before, there was more risk than now, for the presence of fury.

In fact, the usually attack for fury.

The attacks normally happen in summer, in June and July, the preys are normally women and children.


Wolves have been routinely hunted for doing sport,to use their skin, to protect the ranching and in some unusual cases to protect the humans. 
Imágenes integradas 2Historically,  hunting of the wolves has been enormous,it was something that requires a lot of money and labour, it required thousands of networks, cars and sheds to collect the skins and to dry them. 
The menace for the ranching as well as people were more than enough reasons to ally themselves to hunt them. 
Many cultures, as the apache, hunt the wolves as a rite of passage. 

They are usually difficult to hunt due their instinct nature and they have high-developed senses. 


Wolves feed primarily on ungulates sheep, goats, pigs, deer, reindeer, horses, moose, seals yaks whales, salmon, birds.
A wolf eats 14 kg of food a day and he doesn’t eat in 17 days.
After eating they drink plenty of water. 
If there is no food they don’t eat anything.
They do not have a strategy to hunt, but when hunting large animals they try to hide.
Their bite measures 15cm.
They usually attack diseased animals to hunt and sometimes there is a surplus in the Department of Natural Resources during a spring snowstorm, two wolves killed 21 deer, consuming only two, ithappens a lot in winter.
In addition sometimes they eat plants, in Russia there are wolves attacking watermelon plantations.


The wolf in an animal with a very bad fame. He is always the bad of the popular stories, and not without reason, as it was our competitor and enemy during a long time. 
Their scientific name is: Canis Lupus.
In the present the wolf  inhabits very few places, as it is pursued by the man, either because of their skin, for sport, or other different things. 
In some places, like the United States, the Wolf is in the list of endangered species.  
Until a few years ago,  he could be found in large regions of North America, Eurasia, and Middle Orient. Today, its territory has been greatly reduced.
The wolves are very territorials. The size of the territory of a pack is around the 200 square kilometers. The pack can arrive to go over 25 kilometers for day of their territory in search of preys.

The communication is through the howling wolves. These serve to mark their territory against other wolves, a means of avoiding encounters with neighbouring herds. Lone wolves do not respond to howls.

Body language also has much to do in communicating between the wolves. An aggressive wolf, growls, hebristles fur, and if it is bent it means it is ready to attack. 
When a wolf is angry, the ears are straight, and his coat too, while showing teeth. If you see their ears against the head, it is that they are on the defensive. 
The dominant wolf will remain rigid and tall, with erect ears and forward. When hunting they maintain horizontal and straight tail.
The wolves are carnivorous animals, predators can live in forests, mountains, tundra, taiga and grasslands. 
A wolf can eat 3.5 kilos of food in at once, and if they are hungry, they can eat up to 15 kilos of meat a day. While they can survive up to 15 days without eating. It has been studied that up to two weeks, not weakness recorded in muscle activity of wolves.



The polar bear, also known as: white bear, belongs to a species of biggest carnivorous mammals of the world.
Apart from, some zoos around the world, the only place that polar bears life is in Canada, Greenland, Norway, Denmark, Russia, Alaska and Iceland, they do not live in Antarctica.
Their habitat is more extensive, they can live with snow and without it. In the summer it is different in other places, because there are other temperatures that causes melting. 
They are mammals, adaptable to any habitat.
Polar bears only live where it is colder, around the Artic.

 The unique exception are the polar bears that live in the zoos around the world, they are capable to adapt to the hot climate.

There are more false ideas about the polar bears, for example, we think that they are very dangerous and that they like eating human meat, but they are more protectors and they only attack if they feeling in danger.


Polar bear reaches their sexual maturity when they are 4 years old. Mating is in April and May when the male and female live together. Male can follow the tracks that female do.

Polar bears are polygamous so that, the female can have different calves. When the females are expecting their calves, they store fats and then take refuge.
Calves are usually born being 30 cm tall and 700 cm weight.

They usually have twins. During 5 months they grow very fast. Usually calves remain 10 months with their mother. Polar bears lived about 18 years but in Canada a polar bear lived 30 years.

They are 19 different groups but there aren't subspecies.

Their unique enemy is the human.


The polar bears are large creatures, so is possible that they need a big quantity of aliments for fillingtheirselves. They feed from many artic animals. In spite of everything, their favourite are the reindeer and the focus offspring. They know that the focus are going to the surface for taking the air. Is for this that quickly they attack with a ball of claw. Thus are meet for squash the cranium of the focus with their powerful jaw.
They can eat 30 kilos of food the day, and the young one kilo. The polar bears don’t drink water, since in its environment it is salty and sour. They take fluids that they need of the blood of their prey. Also it has been found recently that the polar bears can arrive to be cannibals, in special the males, if they suffer too much hunger they don’t have problems to eat other bears, in special the Young or generally died.
There are other forms of food that polar bears consume, if they can’t have focus. One of them is the walrus. They tend to go for the elderly who are weak, or younger. They have also been known to hunt whales.
The polar bears have a very strong stomach so even food that is in an advanced state of decomposition can be consumed by them without any adverse effects.


The polar bear is a very large animal, males weigh up to 1,500 kg.
Females are only about 800 kg as adults.
Males can be up to 10 meters and females only about 8 meters.
The body of a polar bear is very different from other types of bears.
The claws are walking through the snow and ice, which is abundant in their natural habitat.
They have a skull and long nose, short legs and long feet with pillows, and they can walk and swim.
They are 42 very long teeth. The skin of a polar bear is white and very thick with layers.
It has good sense of smell, hearing and vision.
They can swim and float 200 km long and run at 6km / h.


Traditionally, polar bear were hunted by the eskimos and other artic towns, for the meat and the skin, avoiding ingesting their liver, which contain extremely high levels of Retinol (Vitamin A form found in the animal kingdom), to consume it is dangerous for humans. 
IUCN believes that the number of polar bears has been reduced by at least 30% over the last 45 years. 
The latest threats include accumulation of pollutants in the atmosphere and Arctic ice and warming that is affecting it's ecosystem.